Good value tours to Stonehenge
There is a wide range of prices for basically the same Stonehenge tour. The choice comes down to either a two stop or 3 + stops.
Best value two stop Stonehenge tours:
A daily bus tour from London to Stonehenge and Bath costing an amazing £75 per person including
entrance fees! (These fees alone would cost £25).If you are quoted more with another Stonehenge tour company, just check exactly what is on offer. These day trips are excellent value. Click on image to book.
Best value three (or more) stop Stonehenge tours:
Though bus tours with too many other sites is not recommended there is one company running a very varied tour which is not rushed. How do they do it?
By using small coaches with a maximum of 16 people. With less guests there are fewer to be late and they can go down small interesting lanes that the big coaches can't. That's less miles and more sightseeing for you!
Several tours are available all at £139 per person such as;
Avebury, West Kennet Long Barrow,Stonehenge, Old Sarum and Salisbury Cathedral
(Day trips every Thursday)
Winchester, Stonehenge, Glastonbury
(Day trips every Friday)
Stonehenge, Bath & Windsor
(day trips every Monday, Wednesday, Friday & Sunday)
Stonehenge, Bath & Lacock
(day trips every Tuesday)
Click on pictures for further details.
If there is a group of you it may be cheaper and more flexible to hire a coach and driver guide. For further details see our GROUP TRAVEL PAGE.
Thursday, June 8, 2017